Various reasons, such as games and gadgets, can make children prefer to be at home rather than playing outside the home. Though there are many benefits of playing outdoors for children's health, you know.
Children under five years old (toddlers) and children are advised to play outdoors at least one hour every day. This is important because there are many things that cannot be obtained just by playing indoors. For example, readiness to take risks and the ability to appreciate the natural surroundings.
6 Benefits of Playing Outdoor for Children
Here are 6 benefits of playing outdoors that you need to know:1. Supports healthy bones, skin, and mood
When playing outdoors, children will get exposure to sunlight which can help the body stimulate the production of vitamin D. Sun exposure is important for bone development and the child's immune system. In addition, sunlight can also help overcome some skin problems in children, improve sleep quality, and make a child's mood better. Even so, Mother and Father are still not advised to let your little one play for too long in the sun, especially during the hot day. Exposure to excessive sunlight can cause a child's skin sunburn (sunburn), can even increase the risk of skin cancer.2. Reducing the risk of minus eyes
Children who spend more time playing outdoors are said to have a lower risk of having minus eyes. One study states that an additional outdoor playtime of 1 hour per week can reduce the risk of children experiencing minus eyes by as much as 2%. In a survey, it was found that children with minus eyes spent an average of 4 hours more time playing indoors than healthy-eyed children.3. Support overall physical health
Children who spend their time outdoors tend to be more physically active, compared to children who spend most of their time indoors. This can support the development of muscles and bones, and reduce the risk of children experiencing overweight, diabetes, and high blood pressure. In short, this activity will have a positive impact on children's health in the future.4. Improve children's ability to socialize
Playing outdoors can help children learn to make friends, cooperate with others, and treat others well. The reason is, children will meet with many people when he plays outside the home. A free open space environment also allows children to work together and build friendships. For example, when playing outdoors, children can exchange ideas, discuss, learn empathy, and understand the needs of others.5. Increase children's creativity and courage
In line with the increased ability of children to socialize, children will learn many things when they play outdoors, including the ability to solve challenges, set strategies, set priorities, negotiate, accept rejection, and take risks. This will train the courage and creativity of children.6. Make children learn to respect nature
Imagine if a child only lives with computers, televisions, gadgets, and has never played outside. He may not be able to judge how important and precious nature is around him. Therefore, let's, support children to play outdoors. Playing habits outdoors or outside the home will support the physical and mental health of children. Various benefits of outdoor play described above can be obtained by children. But if Mother and Father are worried, do careful preparation and supervision when the child will play outdoors. For example, applying sunblock to a child's skin before he plays in the hot sun, and still ensuring the safety of the child when he plays outside.- Dermaga Apung HDPE
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